Tai Chi at Westridge Studio
Westridge Studio
Did you know that you can learn Tai Chi at Westridge Studio, Star Lane, Highclere?
The NHS website is promoting Tai Chi, which is suitable for all ages but is particularly beneficial as we get older https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/guide-to-tai-chi/
If you are interested in learning more, please email Kate Duncan [email protected]
The Westridge Trust providing facilities aimed at improving the conditions of life (including good health and wellbeing) through the Arts (in its many forms).
Contact Information
Westridge Trust
Find Westridge Studio
Westridge Trust, Star Lane, Highclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 9QS
Additional Information
Enter from STAR LANE, off the Andover Road, Highclere. Put STAR LANE, HIGHCLERE into you SatNav not the postal code.