Real Me Yoga classes online
Westridge Studio
Joanna Edge, Real Me Yoga, is offering online classes while social distancing is continuing and Westridge Studio is closed. Here is a message from Joanna.
Dear Yoga Friends,
Classes have been continuing via some very clever streaming software called Zoom meetings. This is free and easy to use. You need an internet connection, a computer, 'phone or tablet and space in which to move around! Full instructions are on my website under the technology tab.
Whilst unable to be in the same room as you, feedback on the effectiveness of virtual yoga, including Deep Yoga Relax has been wonderfully encouraging. To find out more or to book other sessions please visit the website or get in touch.
To make the props necessary for class and for 'how to' tips, instructions and home practice sessions, please visit the - RealMeYoga YouTube Channel. At the very least I can help you reset your flexibility, restore a stronger posture, improve breathing and aid better sleep.
Finally the Virtual Deep Yoga Relax sessions I propose, all being well, are at 5.30-7.30 pm on 19 April, 10 May, 14 June and 12 July and Sunday mornings, 9-11am on 26 April, 24 May, 21 June and 26 July. So please consider joining me nearer the time.
Thank you all, keep healthy and safe. Sending ‘Metta’ or loving kindness to you, your family and friends.
Joanna 🙏🏼
Yoga, Meditation & Wellness Instructor or 07970 166 675
Contact Information
Westridge Trust
Find Westridge Studio
Westridge Trust, Andover Road, Highclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 9QS
Additional Information
Enter from STAR LANE, off the Andover Road, Highclere. Put STAR LANE, HIGHCLERE into you SatNav not the postal code.