Latest News
Westridge Studio
The Trustees of Westridge Studio would like to thank everyone involved with the restoration over the last 5 years. From the management team to the fundraisers and the 100 Club members – everyone deserves a huge thank you for realising DR’s wishes.
Westridge Studio is celebrating 215 years as a community venue in 2020 which has turned into the most unusual year in its history. The value of community events and meeting, as a community to share arts and wellbeing activities, has never been more appreciated. We look forward to a time when the Studio is fully operational. It is still difficult to confirm dates at this current time but we wish to indicate our proposed opening (subject to changes based on HM Government advice).
Westridge Studio aims to open from 1 September 2020.
If you have previously expressed an interest in booking or would like to visit the facility, please contact us by emailing:
Andrea at [email protected]
The building work is now fully completed however work on the Paddock is ongoing to complement the Studio and create an outdoor green space.
We welcome all ideas and offers of support from the community and so if you feel you would like to get involved please email:
Sue at [email protected]
Trustees: Mike York, Sally Izett, Mike Jenkins, Angela Tiley
Westridge Trust providing facilities aimed at improving the conditions of life (including good health and wellbeing) through the Arts (in its many forms). Registered charity no. 1169481.
Westridge Trust Contact Privacy Notice can be viewed at
Contact Information
Westridge Trust
Find Westridge Studio
Westridge Trust, Andover Road, Highclere, Newbury, Hampshire, RG20 9QS
Additional Information
Enter from STAR LANE, off the Andover Road, Highclere. Put STAR LANE, HIGHCLERE into you SatNav not the postal code.